The Story of Hampton
In 2013, this boy came into the world and changed it forever. He's 11 years old now and while he may be the size of a toddler, he's sharp and on track mentally for his age in many ways. Everywhere we go, people say, "Aww, he's so cute!" Or they look at him and talk to him like a baby, "Goochie-goochie-goo!" They don't literally say that but might as well. I laugh inside knowing what he's thinking and just smile at the person. Hampton has gotten more patient but still just looks at them emotionless. He does not play along or even say hi, then rolls his eyes and shakes his head when they're gone.
While he has many admirers, he's also overcome hurtful comments over the years. Kids who don't know him say things like, "Why do you look so weird? Where's your hair?" They're just being kids speaking without filters, but it hurts and he cries later. We talk him through it and remind him how much he's loved and celebrated by so many others and that far outweighs the few who don't. He perks back up happily and gets back to his life.
That life currently consists of going to 5th grade at a school he's been at since Kindergarten. Everyone there knows him and the staff has made sure they all treat him with respect. Not only do they respect him, they adore him. He's arguably the most popular. His aide, Mrs. Kat, is with him every day and he loves her {almost} as much as he loves me.
When he's not in school, he loves adventure, toy shopping, babies and television. I've never seen a kid so glued to shows and movies like him. And babies, don't even get me started. He loves baby animals, real babies and toy babies. He loves playing house and pretending to be their dad and always tells me he can't wait to have babies with his wife someday. He tells me what my job as their grandma will be--to babysit when he and his wife want to go on a date.

When I was pregnant with him, we had no idea there was anything abnormal. I didn't get very big, but somehow that never got flagged at my doctor visits. (Looking back, I know God was protecting him). He was born at 39 weeks at only 4 pounds 13 ounces. That's when this unforeseen blessed journey all began.

Weeks in the NICU with countless doctors and tests trying to understand his condition. He had no major health issues, he was just unexplainably small.

They finally released us and sent us to different parts of the country to see specialists. At 18 months, he got a diagnosis in Boston from a geneticist who said, "I've been practicing for 40 years and while I remember having to learn about this in the boards, I've never seen a case." Rothmund-Thompson Syndrome was the name we were able to put to it. It was the end of the beginning. We spent 18 months searching for this answer and finally found it. I won't say it brought relief, but there was at last a rest and a settling to move into the next.

The next 10 years have been full of challenges and triumphs, ups and downs, sadness and joy. Through all of it, he's spunky and hilarious and loves dancing to rap (with surprisingly good rhythm). We have watched him grow from a weak, helpless boy to a smart and funny young man. He has physical challenges and needs a lot of help, but he also comes up with creative ways to adapt to those challenges. It is amazing to watch.

The story of Hampton is unique and different than most of ours', but it also has many similarities. Life hands us things beyond our control; things we don't understand. We have a choice to make in these moments: will we drown in self-pity making it our identity? Or will we embrace it, stand unshaken by life's curveballs and force ourselves to find and focus on the blessing in it all. Here at our house, we don't do it perfectly, but our choice is the latter. I try my best to remind Hampton regularly that he's courageous and powerful and he has things to say and do that no one else can. The world needs him! Just like the world needs you and me.
The story of Hampton is a reminder for us all to forsake the trivial things that eat up our time and energy; to take the unforeseen/unexpected/un-welcomed circumstances and find the hidden gifts! It may take a little time but you'll see in the end, God works it all our for our good. Life is precious!