Going After Dreams
Reaching dreams doesn’t feel like what you think it will feel like. All the pain and crushing it takes to actually get there breaks you down so bad and humbles you, by the time you get there (if you're one who doesn't quit), you're left with only the grit that brought you this far.
All the false illusions have been stripped away, every bubble has been bursted and anything that seemed shiny in this dream of yours' no longer impresses you. If it's worth having, you still want it, but you've come to realize what it's actually going to require of you to maintain this dream in real life, and that comes with weight.

I just opened my 2nd location and have a store full of people in line to buy my products--dream come true--but with that comes the weight of endless amounts of decisions and a juggling of priorities, having multiple employees who are all looking at me to lead them (and the pain of seeing them come and go), a wild amount of bills and paperwork that pile up on my desk every month, always feeling behind and like I'm failing--or at the very least, could be doing better--and on it goes. This dream costs me time with my kids, social events, traveling, a steady paycheck, free time, sleep.
I get why many people decide it isn't worth it and take an easier route. I honestly don't blame them. Life is hard no matter which road you choose, but one could argue it's harder if you choose your dreams. So why do it?!?
If you're reading this far, I'm assuming you're interested in my opinion so here it is:
I can't shake the belief that God puts dreams in us for a reason and those dreams are connected to our purpose. If I'm here on this earth now and not promised tomorrow, I want to do everything I can to live out my days connected to that. PURPOSE.
Now be careful; you don't want to get it twisted and wrap your identity up in your dream or confuse that with your purpose. I've made that mistake before.
Your identity is the same no matter which path you choose—a child of God who is loved and accepted unconditionally! Regardless of if you fail, succeed, work hard towards your dreams or not, that must be your baseline. If it isn't, you won't be living with purpose, you'll be striving to find it. When you know you're loved and accepted by God no matter what you DO, everything you work towards comes from a place of deep peace and rest. Even when it's hard (and it will be) and when you're exhausted physically, it's different when there's grace in it. (Spending time with Him is the only way to really take on and embody that belief system.)
As I've nurtured my relationship with God over the years and gotten to know Him better, I've realized He isn't concerned about my comfort! He's concerned about my growth, my faith and my obedience. Not going after our dreams is usually the more comfortable route, but I find He's almost always encouraging us to run towards pain and discomfort; probably because He knows it will make us stronger and happier. He is a great Father after all.
I don't have it all figured out, but I do know, He keeps showing up and lighting my path. The further I go, the more I have to rely on Him for the next step, and maybe that's the point. Maybe our dreams are a way for us to connect with our Creator; a way for us to stay close to Him and build something with The One who loves creating with us! Just look around at creation. It's magnificent and I can't help but believe He wants to continue on with us and through us. That's what happens when we build the dreams He puts inside of us. We create magnificent things.
Today, I'm encouraging you to create with your Creator. Do everything you can to live out your days connected to purpose. Dream big dreams and run towards the work and pain it takes to accomplish them. Wouldn't the world be such a wonderful place if everyone did this?!?

Find your sweet life, I'm running this race with you! XO,