A Little Q&A

This week I celebrated my 40th birthday.
I get asked often for advice when it comes to owning a bakery or just a business, in general, so I thought I would take this week to list a few FAQ’s and answer them honestly from the perspective of my 40 year old self!
The older I get, the more I realize how much I have yet to learn. I have come a long way of course, but I’m finding myself sitting back more; listening instead of speaking; looking inward and observing the landscape of life. What a difference from my 20’s and 30’s where I went full force blazing trails, trusting and relying on my knowledge and experience up to that point. It’s a good quality to see in young people and admirable in many ways. This is, after all, where blueprints turn into buildings and dreams get built! But the downside is, it can sometimes be prideful and reckless.
My goal for this next phase of life is to slow down and be more humble; enjoy where the hustle has brought me so far. There’s always more to be hungry for, more to build, more to do, but when I look around, I see my three amazing, thoughtful and loving kids growing up so fast who bring such joy to my life. I see a beautiful business I get to work at every day with amazing and unique people. I see a man who loves me unconditionally and serves me every day, and I see friends and family who consistently support and bless my life. I want to savor all of that, soak it in and ponder on all the ways I can do for others what has been done for me.
I hope you enjoy this Q&A and always feel free to send me your thoughts at info@sweetbycaralinn.com ~ ❤️
What is the best advice you would give to someone who is just starting to grow a bakery business?
Decide who you want to be and what you want to be known for and then stick to that. Be consistent and don’t be afraid to turn customers away in order to stay true to that. It can be tempting to bend to the constant suggestions and demands, chasing the dollars and pleasing customers, but that leads to burnout. Know who you are and build a strong brand identity. At the end of the day, the goal is to be profitable.
What do you love most about being a business owner? The freedom and ability to create and build my way.
What is your least favorite thing about being a business owner? The expenses! And managing people is really hard.
Do you recommend owning a bakery? Yes and no. A lot of people think because they’re a good baker they should own a bakery. Not true. You need to first have a passion for business. It requires being a good CEO, which at first means doing EVERYTHING. Accountant, manager, marketer, merchandiser, people person, cleaner, customer service person….and more. If you love to bake, just bake for fun or go work at a bakery or have a home-business. Don’t own a bakery. If you love to bake, but you’re more of a business person who thrives on building a business, then yes, own a bakery.
What would you tell your 20 year old self? Whoa Nelly! Take time to learn under more people. Take more apprenticeships, go help someone else build their dream.
What would you tell your 30 year old self? Read more books about taxes and investing.
What if I have big dreams but I don’t have the money to accomplish them?
Not having enough money is never the problem. It’s tempting to think that will fix everything, but don’t fall into that trap or you’ll stay stuck. The money comes as you’re ready for it. Keep building your character and developing in the ways you CAN control. I promise the money will find you when it’s time.
Would you do anything differently if you could?
Worked for more people to build my expertise and skill sets. I was too in a hurry to work for myself and wish I would have been more humble and patient, which led to learning a lot of things the hard way.
Who are your mentors?
I have learned so much over the years from Marcus Lemonis, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump and Creflo Dollar. I’m always inspired by their business minds and mindsets to think big without limitations.