August 4, 2024

A few thoughts for Business Owners

Probably the hardest part of being an owner is managing employees. When you start a business, you know this is important, but no one ever really prepares you for the extreme challenge that it is; and really it never ends in a field like mine, where they come and go on the regular.  

You find someone that seems to fit, you hire them, you invest in training them, and then IF they make it through training (which many don't and quit on you but demand payment for wasting YOUR time and resources! But we wont go off on that 😅), they work for however long it is, still constantly having to be managed, taught, corrected, and overseen.

You get to know them, you grow to love them, you trust them more and more with this thing you've built with your own blood, sweat and tears.  

A little time goes by, it feels like things are in a good groove and then all of the sudden, seasons shift, schedules change, and they move on, and the process starts all over again.  This deeply depressed me the first few years experiencing this pattern.  I would cry every time someone left (still do!).  The feeling reminds me of when I had my babies in the hospital and then had to leave behind all the nurses who helped take care of us.  You wish those nurses assigned to help would stay forever. "Come home with me!  Please don't leave me alone with this baby who demands so much from me!"  

Some do stick around and for that I thank God every day, but most of them move on.  It can be tempting to get hurt or offended, even fearful about what will happen next, but I've learned to be ok with it all and even accept it as a blessing.  

One door closing means another door is opening, isn't that how the saying goes?

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by this over the years, I had no choice but to take this matter and all my tears to God in prayer; and do you know what epiphany I eventually had?  


If my trust is in Him and not in any person, then when the employee pattern repeats itself, I simply look to Him.  

I find great comfort in this.  I began seeing my business as His business actually, and I am His servant/employee.  When I operate this way, it takes the pressure off of me. It's not always easy to give Him all the burdens when you feel the weight and pressure of owning a business, but He really is willing and capable to make our yoke easy and our burden light.

Even though it stings sometimes, I try my best now to bless the person when they leave, hug them real tight and thank them for everything they gave.  Then, I simply ask God to send the next "nurse."  

Here's to all employees who work for someone else, we thank God for you! Please go easy on that boss of yours', it isn't easy to be in their position.

And to all my fellow business owners or leaders in any capacity, keep being amazing.  The world is a better place because of you!  

This is my current team and I love them all so much!  This time next year, this photo will be totally different, but that's OK. I'm grateful for the time they're here.

Cara Linn

Cara is the owner of SWEET by Cara Linn. She spends most of her time living her dream of running her bakeries and raising 3 kids. When she has extra time, she loves reading books and writing.

Delicious and Wholesome


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